Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Boycott Campaign Goes Cyber!

Due to the questionable responses from the campus populace and the general feel that the club should look good if we try to be a tad bit political, the ACELS team have decided to continue preaching its campaign against US products in cyberspace.

So, we post these pictures;

So if you have purchased any of these products, make sure it was the last. Support our ailing brothers and sisters in Palestine. Support the Palestinian cause!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

ACELS@Mushroom + AGM

Last Wednesday ACELS held the acels@mushroom program at Mushroom from 8:30pm.

The Palestine awareness program, the Boycott US Products campaign and the Gaza donation drive was a success, with many students actually stayed and filled less than half of the 20 chairs prepared to look at the highly charged emotional slides and donated a overwhelming sum of money into the donation box. The donation box was checked by the vp1 and was taught to be - in a thorough 10 minutes examination - to be around the RM300 range.
The membership drive was excellent. With the club did an outstanding job in attracting a paltry 5 new members to the club.

Some of the pictures from the program that i feel necessary to upload.

The donation drive.

The rear view of the president and his vice president looking impressed with the boycott slides.

The people who stayed to get their pictures taken.
"Thank you all for the donation money. We love you!"

The chairs were half empty because many people opted to stand instead.

The walking donation box finds its way at the eatery behind Mushroom. We were willing to get THAT far. Or maybe it was only Shrek.

We, the ACELS team would like to say thank you to Shrek for making it look easy in helping us with the donation drive and of course to the viewers and people at Mushroom for donating their money for the greater cause. Also to the 5 good people who registered with us that day and not to forget, those who saw the full 5 minutes of the Palestine movie clip.

Now lets talk about the AGM.

The AGM is on this coming Tuesday, 8:30pm at LT5. further details can be read in the poster.

Indeed we're using a recycled poster - if you noticed the design. Expect more of the same coming this year until we found some cool looking designs that we can edit from.
Registration for new members is RM5/sem. Bring along your friends so that we won't be holding a "ghost" AGM. haha!
Oh, and to those who wants to register electronically, send an email to
And to those with facebook, join us at the ACELS group.
Thank you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

ACELS Say NO to Coca-Cola. Wanna Know Why?

Hello ppl!

Due to the recent event of the "organised mass massacre" by the bloody Zionist regime towards our friends in Palestine, ACELS will not just stay quite. We feel obliged to at least put even a tiny tad of effort in spreading related information, news, etc to the people of the Arau Campus.

So this coming Wednesday - 14th of January at 8:30pm - ACELS will hold the ACELS@MUSHROOM program where there'll be a talk by the president of ACELS himself on boycotting the consumption of US produce and also the Palestine Awareness campaign.

Apart from that, we too will set up a registration counter and do a ACELS promo for our membership drive. The promo poster for this Wednesday's event;

So bring along your friends and come join us this Wednesday!