Last night we held the ACELS AGM. Not particularly a strong number was present for the AGM, but 30 is a good number to start i suppose. Thank you to those who came last night, i do sure hope that a fruitful partnership can be made between us.
For the AGM, five activities for this semester was announced together with two suggested activities. The activities announced were :
1 - Karnival Gegar UiTM.
The carnival will be on the 1st till 3rd of august this year. Our booth will be a 20X20 and we will sell sweaters, t-shirts and crisps. We will also open up an information counter for Herbalife health product. Apart from that, we will also do a scrabbles and boggles demonstration whereby we are hoping for everyone, the members in particular to come and join us manning and playing scrabbles and boggles together at our booth.
2 - Gathering
It was decided that to strengthen the bond between members, a gathering should be made. A few places were suggested. Coffee Bean, Starbucks, Secret Recipe and bowling were just some of the places suggested. Alor Setar sounds a logical choice. The date for the gathering could be anytime before Ramadhan. Any other suggestions please do so by posting them in the web forum at .
3 - T-Shirts
We all wear shirts, and to recognise some of the ACELS members we hope to have our very own t-shirt for this semester. It was still undecided about the design. We will consult Mr Bad about this matter. As again, any suggestions for the t-shirt please post it at the web forum.
4 - ACELS Day
We are proposing for the Mushroom to be made ours on either one of the two days of any weekend. Activities suggested during the AGM were public speaking, spelling bee, English exhibition, scrabbles competition and essay writing competition.
5 - Web log and web forum
You are currently viewing the blog. You too can view the ACELS web forum at the url given earlier. The colour for the web forum was decided by members to be black. We'll try our best to change the design.
The activities suggested by the members were :
1 - Trip
A night stay trip was the idea but we're not ruling out a day trip. Suggested places to have our trip are Langkawi, Bukit Merah, Pangkor, Pulau Pinang and Padang Besar. The Board of Directors however might favour a visit to the other UiTM campus for an educational or if we have other English Clubs there, we can make a sisterhood visit to those campus. Money is the name of the game here, but we're carefully considering this because no one hates going to a trip.
2 - Outdoor activities
Jungle trekking, flying fox and rock climbing were the suggested activities with UUM being the venue of choice. We can make an educational visit to UUM as well, think of it as a2 in 1 activity.
So i guess that's all for now. We do hope that you can post your thoughts and get along with the others in our web forum. To those who came for the AGM, thank you very much, and to those who wants to register with us, please do so by sending us an email to or text us at 013-4059047. Registration is open all semester. Again, thank you very much for viewing our blog.
13 years ago